Dingli Cliffs, Malta

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

I shot this photo at Dingli Cliffs in Malta last month. It was a glorious albeit windy spot to view the Mediterranean. If you squint you can see the tiny, uninhabited islet in the distance called Filfla.

I chose this picture for Sunday because it is mentally whisking me away to that bench where I looked out over the sea, lost in thought.

Paulo and I started volunteering today at a detention centre in Porto for migrants who are in Portugal without authorization and are awaiting deportation. Although we had a pretty good idea of what to expect as volunteers, we wouldn’t know for sure until we actually did it. As it turns out, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience and as soon as we passed security it got me thinking of how easily the roles could’ve been reversed. As someone who has been classified as an “illegal” at some point in several countries (each for different reasons but I was never deported), it is only luck that kept me out of detention. Alright, maybe luck and pluck, but definitely luck.

Today I was also at the receiving end of some dire news from a good friend and it reminded me of how very far away I am. I mentioned some downsides of expat life the other day, and this is one of them: distance.

June 15, 2015
Album: Malta 2015

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