Dingle Peninsula and Beehive Huts

By Aswesawit @aswesawit

Dear Luke and Leia,

We are visiting the Dingle Peninsula, to see the beautiful cliffs and beehive huts on Slea Head Drive and to find us an Irish pub or two for a bite to eat. Well, the last one should be easy since – being in Ireland – all the pubs are Irish.

The first thing I realized was the coastline was amazing.

Beautiful but rugged coast of the Dingle Peninsula

Prehistoric beehive huts

The huts along the Slea Head Drive date to the 12th century. The invading Normans forced the Irish off the good land and out to the Dingle Peninsula.

Those beehive huts are larger inside than they look.

These walls have been standing since the beehive huts were built.

Bunnies, sheep and angry birds

Sheep in Ireland for the famous Irish Sweaters

The spray paint on the sheep is a branding code. It shows who its owner is.

Seagulls along the rugged Dingle coastline

Angry birds, Irish style

Rugged coastline of Dingle Peninsula

The movie Far and Away was filmed at this location

Pub Stop – An Bothar Pub

There aren’t many places to eat along Slea Head Drive. The area is Gaelic-speaking, and the radio in the pub is set to a Gaelic station. Even in August the weather can be dismal, and we enjoyed warming up in this pub. “It only rains twice a week in Ireland,” a local told us. “Once for four days and once for three.”

An Bothar Pub on the Dingle Peninsula

There’s nothing quite like a pint of Smithwick’s to warm a girl up.

The Town of Dingle

Wikipedia says Dingle is the only town on the peninsula, but  that’s not strictly true. We stayed at a B&B in Ventry, which is a little hamlet that’s even further out on the peninsula than Dingle Town is. Most of the residents have lived there all their lives.

The Dingle Pub

Entertainment at the Dingle Pub

Dessert at the Dingle Pub

We left the best photo for last so you guys can see the great food you’ll get to taste some day.  I wish you guys knew how much we both miss you two.


Nana and Pap

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