Dim Crims: Yogi Held for Pleasuring Self

Posted on the 12 April 2014 by Hughvw
An elderly yoga enthusiast is facing a federal obscenity charge after he was spotted allegedly masturbating on National Park Service property, after which he picked up a dead animal and threw it at a passing car, according to court records.
Bill Kachle, 68, was arrested last month after Jared Tyng, a United States Park Police officer, responded to a complaint about a “disorderly male subject” along the Mount Vernon Trail in northern Virginia.
Two female witnesses pointed Tyng in the direction of Kachle, a Washington, D.C. resident who was “holding a yoga pose” nearby. The women said that they were walking along a bike trail when Kachle--who was waving his arms and “shouting odd statements”--dropped his pants and began masturbating.
“Thereafter, the subject then picked up a dead animal, ran into the northbound lanes of travel on the George Washington Memorial Parkway and threw the dead animal at a passing car,” according to a U.S. District Court complaint. After flinging the animal, Kachle “returned to the trail, pointed at both women and masturbated again,” Tyng added.
Kachle was arrested on a misdemeanor “disorderly conduct/obscene acts” count.