Dilly Dally’s debut album Sore dropped a few weeks ago and its phenomenal. The Toronto four piece started by guitarist Katie Monks and Liz Ball many moons ago does not mess around when it comes to dealing with sex (see “Desire”), relationships (see “Green”) and darker themes like loneliness that is breached on the new single “Touch.”
The video for the song exudes all of these in shrouded dark visuals and sexy short clips. Its confusing, but perfectly matches the confusion that many deal with when it comes to sex, loneliness, and the mix of the two that is so prevalent. The visual is only aided by how unrelenting the track is. Monks’ voice, one of my favorite vocals in recent memory, is something to be envious of. She conveys so much in just the last few seconds of the song with a melodic “ya-ya-ya-ya,” a cry that itself embodies the frustration that is apparent throughout “Touch.” The songwriting is not ashamed of female sexuality, but instead embraces it and throws it in your face – its there and its not going away.