Digital Marketing and Creative Solutions

Posted on the 19 March 2013 by Orlandobands @Obands

As many of us know, traditional marketing is becoming a thing of the past. Sure we still use it, and it can be an effective means to reach our audiences, but we must now become more proficient at digital marketing. Consumers now get most of their information from online media platforms. This could be from a computer, tablet, or phone. That being said, if you are a business or individual trying to market your brand identity, product, and/or service, it is essential that you know how to optimize your online marketing strategy. You do not necessarily have to have years of extensive training and be an expert to know how to utilize digital marketing, but there are many tactics one can use to maximize the effectiveness of making sure your brand, products, services, videos, websites, etc., are being noticed through the overwhelming content of the online world.

As a business today, it is practically mandatory that you have some type of online presence—most likely a website. The first thing a person is going to look up if they have never seen or heard of your business is if you have a website. If you don’t have one, they will probably think there is something wrong with you. Which is blunt to say, but in today’s world, the hard truth. There are many resources now that allow the creation of a website to be very inexpensive, depending on what you are looking for. So, for a limited or tight budget, a business, entrepreneur, and/or professional could make a substantial website that meets the needs of their targeted audience.

Okay, so this is all fine and dandy, but what if you want to take it to the next level? What if you want to market yourself so that everyone becomes aware and knows your brand? This is where the extra tactics of marketing come into play. A few of the most crucial things you need to know is who your target market is, what do they do and want, and how can you grab their attention. In my opinion, attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter. It is very tough to retain a person’s attention. With so much advertising and living in a fast paced, instant gratification society, people want to know things now and in about two minutes flat or they’re gone!

So what do we do? We have to be creative! We have to interact with our clients and affiliates to cultivate relationships. We have to understand the psychology behind what people do and why they act they way they do. We have to develop innovative strategies that tailor to their expectations. These strategies can be done through the methods of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), analytics and measurements, and branding.

According to an Adobe study, creativity is one of the most important traits we can possess. However, there is debate to whether creativity is innate or that it can be taught. Kind of like the debate on whether a leader is born or made. The answer is both. In my opinion, creativity is something we are all born with, but can be more developed depending on the environments we choose to live within. If that makes sense and you’d like more about creativity, I highly suggest reading the book, Imagine: How Creativity Works, by Jonah Lehrer.

One of the hottest trends today and into the future is online video advertising. More and more people are accepting video advertisements online as they become more interactive and entertaining. If done right, online video promos and ads will appeal and attract more consumers within your target market. Gumption Entertainment can provide these creative solutions with our video branding, producing, and management services.