Dietbet v2.0 and Why I'm Taking a Break

By Khourianya @khourianya
My second go at a Dietbet ended yesterday and, YES, despite my initial concern - I managed to pull my head out of my ass and eke out a win. Good thing weigh in was yesterday morning, though, since the scale is up again today :(  I have no clue on how much money that will end up amounting to, but I promised myself compression Calf Sleeves and I am very excited that I can actually get them.  Now I can look super cool in my sleeves and flip flops all summer :P
But that begged the question of whether I would do another one right away.  I really like the whole Dietbet thing and how well it seems to motivate me...BUT, I am also battling some health roadblocks right now that made this last Dietbet really difficult to achieve.  My original plan was to start another one right away but I did some serious thinking over the weekend and realized I can't.
Not right now.
I need to focus on a few things to get my basic health in order before I can add the pressure of another bet into the mix. So, I decided to give myself a month or so to do just that.  I will still be working to lose weight, but I need to really get my sugar wean figured out so I can put the anemia in check and start rebuilding myself for the long haul.


Right now, my focus is the following:
  • Eating real, minimally processed food
  • Making sure my nutrients are balanced
  • Strength training
  • Life balance
Should be an interesting month or so.
I'll be sharing what I am doing as I go.  And, when I am ready to start another bet - I'll share that too.