Diet Or Not?

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

I'm thinking about going on a diet. I said THINKING. Weighing the pros and cons now. So far all I have are cons. I don't intend for my blog to turn into another boring 'here's my weight loss journey'(snore) but maybe I can update everyone on how it will probably get an update soon saying "the hell with this!” So let's list some pros and cons:
*Duh, I can lose weight!
*Clothes will be cheaper because of less material needed to ‘build’ my clothes.
*I will have more energy to do laundry and cooking. Wait that was a con, sorry.
*I will be healthier and will live longer.That should piss some people off...
Pros are way too hard. Let’s get to the Cons:
*Healthy food is more expensive and I need to save for my kid’s college right?
*I will have to join a gym.Gross, having to share equipment with other sweaty people.
*Bojangles stock will suffer because I won’t be able to eat there anymore.
*Krispy Kreme stock will also suffer.
Screw it. Check back next week…
  *Picture courtesy of Africa