Diet and Exercise Requirements for Women in Their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

As you gracefully age, the need to beef up self-care practices like diet and exercise increases. Your body, as with anything that's been functioning for decades, requires more effort to remain healthy. Increasing your intake of certain vitamins, nutrients, and minerals and your physical activity will be required if you want to look and feel your best. Below is a brief breakdown of how you'll need to change your diet and exercise habits every decade.

Diet and Exercise Guidelines in Your 20's

At 20 years old, your body is at the top of its game. Chances are you're very active at this point and have a fast metabolism. Unless you have pre-existing conditions, it is safe to assume that most women in their 20s are at their best physically and may not require much exercise or diet restrictions to maintain a healthy weight. Here's a look at some requirements in your 20s.

Key Vitamins and Nutrients

Though a daily multivitamin is recommended, women in their 20s should consume foods that contain:

Exercise Requirements

Though you may not need to be too active to feel and look good, it is ideal to build a strong foundation for physical fitness in your 20s. You will lose muscle mass and strength as you age so cultivating a routine now is recommended. Start strength training now for 30 minutes at least two to three times per week.

Image: Pixabay

Diet and Exercise Guidelines in Your 30's

In your 30's you've likely started to get a little less active in life as your responsibilities have increased. Whether you're starting a family or focusing on your career, diet and exercise may take a lesser priority. Below are some diet and exercise advice:

Key Vitamins and Nutrients

Exercise Requirements

Diversifying your exercise and increasing how frequently you work out is necessary once you reach your 30s. Start switching up the type of physical activities you participate in. Swimming, dancing, cardio, and strength training, for instance, are great for switching things up. Also, try to reach a goal of 30 minutes per day five days per week.

Image: Pixabay

Diet and Exercise Guidelines in Your 40's

In your 40s, you're most likely finished with having children and in your late 40s may be nearing premenopausal age. In your 40s, your diet and exercise requirements may change.

Key Vitamins and Nutrients

Calcium - Recommended for bone health

Vitamin D - aids in the absorption of calcium, boosts the immune system and helps to prevent breast and colon cancer.

Fiber - Improves digestive function and reduces bloating

Exercise Requirements

Start improving muscle by engaging in resistance training. Improve bone health with weight-bearing cardiovascular workouts. An improve flexible with exercises like yoga.

Diet and Exercise Guidelines in Your 50's and Beyond

At this age, menopause could happen at any time. To ensure your body can recover from such a dramatic change, it is recommended that you bump up your efforts to care for yourself.

Key Vitamins or Nutrients

To prepare your body for menopause, women aged 50 and older should consume all of the above-mentioned vitamins and nutrients, particularly those that support bone health.

Exercise Requirements

Weight loss during and after menopause will require a boost in both diet and exercise. It is recommended that you maintain a regular exercise routine that includes both strength training and supports bone health.

You only get one body, and therefore, it is a good idea to take care of it. To ensure that you sustain a decent quality of life you will need to change routines and habits to adjust to your lifestyle, physical, and hormonal changes. Hopefully, this guide has given you an idea on how to get started. For more specialized requirements it is best to consult a doctor and/or nutritionist.

Image: Pixabay

