Did You Know: World’s Oldest Tree is 5062-Years-Old

By Nrjperera @nrjperera

Mother nature can sometimes be furious enough to bring tornadoes, earth quakes or heavy storms that destroys anything in its’ way. But, there are some thing that are strong enough to withstand those disasters and last for thousands of years. Need proof? Take a look at these trees.

Most people still thinks that the worlds oldest tree is the 4,845-year-old Methuselah in the White Mountains of California. But, that was before 2013 because researchers have now discovered a much older tree that believes to be about 5062-years-old. The amazing fact is that this bristlecone pine was also found from the White Mountains, according to Live Science.

As amazing as this may be, you should know this isn’t the oldest living thing on earth. Back in 2007 scientist found a bacteria in ice which they predicted to be over 600,000-year-old.

[Photo credit: Thomas Ramsauer | Shutterstock ]
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Roshan Jerad Perera