Did You Know About School IPM Programs?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

There are a lot of friends and industry members that read and follow my blog (thank you), so I wanted to be sure to update you on a fellow site that is full of resources. IPM Institute

“Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a prevention-based, highly effective approach proven to reduce pest complaints and pesticide use by up to 90% in schools and other public buildings.  IPM practices such as sanitation and exclusion also improve food safety, fire safety and energy conservation.”

Every day, 49 million children attend school in the United States, served by nearly seven million teachers and staff.   But they’re not alone.  Schools are also frequented by a number of pests including cockroaches, mice, dust mites and more.  Asthma is epidemic among children, impacting nearly 6% of school children nationally with rates as high as 25% in urban centers.  Cockroaches are potent asthma triggers.

I have said numerous times that it is absolutely important to use care in the delivery of pesticides. I believe so much in that principle – that we hardly ever treat inside homes any longer. With that said I still think there is a place and a necessity for the use of pesticides. Here are a few examples when it might be necessary:

  1. Africanized Honeybees inside the school
  2. Invasion of German roaches (probably from boxes delivered the night before)
  3. Rodent/wildlife loose in school
  4. Bed Bugs