Did The Banana Splits Inspire Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldier?

Posted on the 05 November 2011 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

did The Banana Splits inspire Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldier?

art by JSaurer

when I'm walking I'm whistling. I whistle in time to the stride, so that any whistled tune is time stretched to match.
when I'm jogging there's a song in my head. This always happens, and the same in-step time-stretching happens inside my head.
when I was young I played this 'trick' on myself where I could segue from one song to another ... seemingly disconnected songs just blended seemlessly (to me) into each other.
I haven't done it for years - until just now.
I was walking into town, maybe two miles away, and I set myself a task; jog there AND jog back. This might not seem much to you 'real joggers' out there. A three to four mile round trip, pfft.
But remember, I have a history of asthma and have never really had anything you could call 'jogging stamina'.
So, I pushed, I got near to town, walked the rest of the way. Got a book at the library.
When I was about to jog back from town, I got this song in my head. And remember, it was in-time to my step. Then the morphy thing happened. And it was truly seemless. And yes, I did make it back all the way, up the hill, jogging.
The two songs?  The theme tune to one of my favorite TV shows as a kid, The Banana Splits and Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldier. It's the bit where the Splits go La-la-laaa, La-la-la-laaa, Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Just like that, seemless.
PS: yes, I have just checked on the internet before publishing, and I did find SEVERAL (big s) articles dealing with this 'inspiration'. I thought I'd publish this post anyway as it was, for me, the first time I'd come across or considered this esoteric connection. Nothing's new in the world, eh?