Dichotomy Paintings - March 26th Update - Three Large Wide Abstract Landscapes

Posted on the 26 March 2016 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

Yesterday, I went stretched-canvas-buying-crazy and purchased two those long ones I'd always wanted to but never knew how to use. They are 100 cm by 30 cm this time, that's 40 inch by 12 inch in old money. They're perfect for the 'symbolic language' i.e. circle and oggam, enhanced two-colour paintings that are (obviously) the next evolution of this abstract style I'm enjoying doing.

I also purchased three new 16 inch by 12 inch ones so that... because... well, they were twelve inches in one of their dimensions, like the 40 inches long ones. But then as you'll see from the image, I've had a bit of fun with the layout of the three small ones. Creating them in one arrangement then swapping the end paintings to add to the art-mix, play border games. This abstract style I've chosen to develop is coming along in small increments, as it should.