Diary: The B-day Weekend

By Amy @amzzz1984

Hello lovely readers! I've been of the radar for the whole weekend, so now a big post to make it up to you guys! Last Saturday I celebrated my birthday, can't believe I've turned 28. I mean, that's like old and stuff ;)
Anyhow: I had a great time! Spend time with my family and partied the night away with my friends.
Well, so what are you looking at?
1 -  Preview of my b-day outfit! Soon on my blog
2 - Presents! I have been spoiled to say the least!
3 - Wearing my new shoes (as seen here available here)
4 - Party pic! Something I normally wouldn't post, but I love my stupid face next to my lovely friend Marloes.
Well hope you had a fab weekend!
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Photo's: by My life as Matt & me; edited by me