Diary: Small Recap of My Week

By Amy @amzzz1984
Since I'm so busy with work, renovating our new house I have very little to no time to update my blog. So I thought it would be nice to give you an insight my oh-so-glamourous (I'm being sarcastic...) week. So here follows a small diary:
  Remember I was craving feather extensions? This week I received my feather extensions; Love them!
Yeah, we are still working in the new house. Last Saturday I chopped all the titels out of kitchen by hand. Seriously, that day I learned that I'm just not made to do manual labor. (ps: and don't you think my earplugs and saftey glasses are fashionable? haha)
After working the whole week at the office, in the new house at night and in the weekend. We really deserved some relaxing time! So the BF and I went to spend and hour or two at a lake, late Sunday afternoon. Sipping some beers, eating some snacks and getting a much needed tan.
It can't be all work and no play, so when I saw the invitation of Girlslove2run to join them for a run in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, I was like: Why not? (Yeah I had to travel for like 2,5 hours one-way, and had to work every night of this week to compensate) but I just love to do crazy things. So I grabbed my blogger buddy Lieke and accepted the challenge! We took much more pics so expect a bigger post about our running mission soon on my blog!
This was a small recap of my week!
For now: I wish you all a Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!
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Photo's from my instagram account: follow me @amysfashionscrapbook