Dia De Padre Numero 2

By Augustabelle

By the grace of god, our baby-chaperoned date on Father's Day turned out to be one of our most successful yet!  We timed it just right so that Biet fell asleep with a full belly on our walk to the restaurant, and she slumbered peacefully amidst the restaurant noise in her cushioned stroller wedged in between two tables.  We dressed up and had a three course meal at a charming farm-to-table restaurant, followed by an evening stroll.  I really couldn't have imagined a more perfect way to spend the day.
And on to the man of the hour, the Papa Bear, my Gaby.  We love you we need you we cherish you.  When you jump out of bed on three hours sleep when Biet calls for company in the wee morning hours, you shine.  When you get super excited to discover that Biet adores a new crazy dish you've invented (remember the watermelon-banana-spinach-eggs last week?), you shine.  When she falls asleep on your shoulder at the end of the day and you whisper to me "I love this. I love this so much!", you shine shine shine.  You shine as a Papa. You shine with Fatherhood. You are such a beautiful part of her life.
Our lives have changed so very much since last Father's Day.  Our lives have gotten so much bigger (alone with our hearts, and our dreams too).
Gaby and Biet- the two of you.. well oh my. There are no words.
Biet's sailor dress: c/o Little Vintage