Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – April 2016 (Hour 15)

By Jazmin-Jade


I feel breathless with the rush of it all. I think I have finally caught up with challenges other than he food once because no food is coming to me right now. I snacked on some leftover pizza and I sort of want to take another nap I think I will be ok to break out another V.

What I Read:

  1. Dragonfly In Amber by Diana Gabaldon
  2. Special by Georgia Blain

Pages Read: 101

Mad Tea Party Challenge

March Hare – Miss Margaret. She collects people, so I can picture her hosting this part.

Mad Hatter – Chimo. In a world where everything including how people are made is based on high power groups, a rebel would argue about time with them.

Dormouse – Ivy. Never fitting in with the Specials she sleeps away the classes.

Alice – Fern. She is a Special in amongst the normals and must never show her true self.

Book used: Special by Georgia Blain.

Book Mashup Madness

Im choosing to do the two books I have been reading for the read-a-thon thus far.

Special in Amber

After going to far through the rocks and leaving her love behind, Claire has kept her secret for 20s and had to raise a Special daughter after she ‘won the Lotto’ and she was genetically altered. Now, after whisking her daughter away and wiping her from the data system, the only way for them to be safe is to go back. Can changing Jamie’s past change her daughters future?

Weird Cover Hunt

Till Next Time…