Devotional: “Expect God’s Best Today”

By Firstladyb


Reference Scripture: Matthew 14: 22-31

You can’t hope for God’s best if you still believe in the worst.  You can’t hope  to get the job you desperately need if you’re expecting to get turned down.  You can’t hope that God is going to restore your marriage if you’re expecting to sign divorce papers any day now.

What would Peter have done that day out on the Sea of Galilee if he had expected the worst and hoped for the best?  Well, his name means “Rock,” and I suppose he would’ve expected to sink like one.

But that’s not what’s going on through Peter’s mind.  Peter- at least at first- expects the best.  Since Jesus calls him out of the boat, well, then Peter apparently thinks he will be able to go to Him walking on the waves.

Now, it’s true that in just a moment his fear will get the better of him.  His faith will cease holding him up, and he will earn a rebuke from the Lord because of it. But for a little while he really believes he can walk on water and he does.

How many of us can relate to this story of Peter?  We have such a strong expectation of the best, that we tend to lower our expectations.

Jesus is calling us today.  “Come to Me,” He says. “Come toward the future, I have for you.”

So today I encourage you to expect the BEST, and give God all the honor and the praise for what He’s done, doing and about to do in your life.

Source: Steve Furtick “Sun Stand Still”