Devonte Hynes Kick-starts Palo Alto’s Soundtrack [stream]

Posted on the 07 May 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie


Devonté Hynes — aka Blood Orange, aka Lightspeed Champion, aka our biggest crush since Cupid Deluxe — has created the most poignant theme and title track to Gia Coppola‘s newest movie, Palo Alto. Hauntingly familiar to the Air soundtrack for Virgin Suicides (another teen indie flick directed by a different Coppola), “Palo Alto” uses trembling synths and backing piano to hit the right sound between the loss of innocence and wisdom beyond young years. This song and Hynes’ other on the soundtrack, “April’s Daydream”, are credited to him alone, adding to his growing resume. The full soundtrack is now available on Spotify, so go get lost in the dreamy, fluid afternoons of youth and synth.