Detroit: Seeds of Green Urban Living

Posted on the 14 October 2012 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

Seeds of Opportunity in Detroit

The recently released report, “Are We There Yet?: Creating Complete Communities for the 21st Century America” from the national community development nonprofit Reconnecting America, lays out a vision for how metropolitan regions can support economic opportunity and health for all people by creating complete communities. Complete communities are “places where people can live, work, move, and thrive in a healthier, more equitable, and more economically competitive way.” The report grades metropolitan regions on their progress towards achieving that vision. In the Detroit-Warren-Livonia region, there are 238 “opportunity areas” where basic neighborhood elements, like clustered housing and jobs or a street grid, exist that lay the foundation for becoming a complete community.  While infrastructure investments are essential, what are some of the organizations and ideas that are starting to make complete communities a reality in Detroit?

Grassroots, community-led initiatives are doing innovative work, creating an incubator type environment for new urban thinking. The Detroit Food Justice Task Force is looking to create a food security plan for the city and Detroit Future Youth is using digital media to strengthen youth social justice organizing. The Boggs Educational Center is reimagining the education system in Detroit. There are also a number of collaborative work spaces, the Urban Network Bookstore, Ponyride, and the Allied Media Projects, that foster community opportunity and creativity. The Warm Training Center is advancing energy efficiency through schools, businesses and homes.

The City of Detroit is leveraging these community efforts. The Green Grocer Project incentivizes grocers to open up within the City of Detroit’s boundaries. Also, Blue Cross, Blue Shield is moving thousands of employees to downtown Detroit from the suburbs due in part to financial incentives offered by the city, including free annual transit passes for all employees.

Complete communities become a reality when community organizations, dedicated residents, local governments, and corporations work towards a shared vision. From urban agriculture to youth development to corporate investment to green technology, the seeds of opportunity are taking root in Detroit.

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