Destroying One More Myth About Teenage Girl – Adult Man Relationships

Posted on the 28 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Trash: Much has been said about Blacks raping grown women but the vast majority of child molestation, underage sex, statutory rape is all older White dudes with no charm or masculinity resorting to 15 or 16 year old girls in order to get laid.

I am getting very tired of hearing this myth.

This has certainly not been my experience. I have heard of cases like this of men having sex with teenage girls, and I had a couple of friends who did this until around age 30. Both of them were what you would call Alphas or studs. They both had had sex with countless women. The only men I have ever known who had sex with teenage girls were Alphas, studs, players, playboys, whatever you call them. I have have never in my entire life heard of an adult man resorting to teenage girls because he couldn’t get a woman his own age. I wonder if it even exists.

Of course I taught high school for many years, and I had to deal with some female students after me, but women and girls have been after me in droves most of my life (it’s calming down now). I used to hear the girls talking about the male teachers that they liked at the school. Without one single exception, the only ones they talked about were the hottest male teachers at the school. They were all good-looking or often very good-looking. A surprising number had almost male model good looks. Not only that, but to a one, they were all “Alphas.” Not necessarily statistical Alphas but definitely behavioral Alphas.

I do not know how their Game was, but observing these men, I figured their Game was great. Most of them even in the classroom displayed a behavior and image that was sexy as Hell. I never once heard girls talking about the average looking male teachers or even the homely male teachers.

As far as it being easier to get a teenage girl than it is to get an adult woman, I doubt if that is true. I did have sex with many teenage girls as a teenage boy and for a few years as an adult man form age 18-21 (I quit at 21 as I was starting to get scared of going to jail). Back then in the 1970’s, this sort of thing was epidemic. Many, many young men dated and had sex with teenage girls. It was almost normal.

But even back then, the only young men who were getting those girls were the best young men of them all. They were the players, the playboys. Not only did they get girls but they also got women, typically in droves. And even at that age, I never thought a girl was any easier than a woman. I never thought, “I am going to go for that girl. She’s an easy target.” It never even occurred to me that they might be easy targets. Anyway, I never pursued them anyway. It was always the other way around. And never in my entire life have I heard one single man refer to teenage girls as easy targets. You would think if it were true, I would have heard it at least once.

As I got older it never seemed like it would be easier to get a girl than to get a woman. Of course, it was dead illegal anyway, and I never did it, but it never seemed like the girls were any easier. They were probably even harder because even decades ago, they were leery of “creepy” and “perverted” men. It is orders of magnitude worse nowadays. I can barely even talk to underage teenage girls. It’s nearly illegal to even say Hi to them. Even if it’s not illegal, you might get punched in the face for even talking to them. That’s how insane things have gotten. If you can’t even say hi to them, how is it going to be a piece of cake to have sex with them?

For much of my life, I have known teenage girls. and I have been talking to them my whole life, even down to the present day. Of course they have talked to me many times about boys and men. It seemed that when it came to boys their age, they would go for anyone, Alphas, Betas or even Omegas. But when it came to men, they got much more selective. Over and over I heard them say, “We’re mostly into boys our age. We are not really into men. They’re too old. But we make exceptions for the really hot ones…we only want the hotties…we only want the best of the older men…etc.”

Women always want the best.

– Oscar Wilde

To the above quote, I would add, “and so do teenage girls.”

If you look around at the type of man these girls target, you will see that that is true. You think women preferentially select Alpha men and leave all the others out to dry, well, I got news for you, teenage girls are even worse! Look at the men who have been associated with these girls. Jeffrey Epstein (billionaire), Jimmy Page and Steve Tyler (rock stars), Roman Polanski (movie director). They really go for the cream of the crop, don’t they?

My experience in life has been that if you cannot get a woman your own age, you damn sure can’t get a teenage girl because getting a girl is far harder than getting a woman!

Now I could be wrong about this, but this has been my experience.