Desserts… Fourth of July Style

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

Tomorrow, grills will be fired up, backyards, pools, beaches, and parks filled with red, white and blue clad revelers celebrating… after all, it’s the Fourth of July! A perfect day to enjoy sunshine, food, delicious lemonades, summery cocktails and fireworks and let’s not forget… Freedom!! Fingers crossed that the weather holds up and we are not burdened with rain!

Start your morning off right with this beautiful and scrumptious breakfast:

And what’s a good celebration without tasty desserts?! From the MKB Fourth of July Board, here are some clean eating dessert recipes for a festive celebration!

And while I am a firm believer in clean eating… this cake looks too amazing not to share… I’m kinda hoping I have time to attempt this paleo style, butttt, I’m pretty sure that might not happen in the next 24 hours!

MKB Pinterest Board.

Enjoy! Have a Happy Fourth of July!

Coming up next… what to throw on the grill!