Despite the Drama, Miley Cyrus is All About the Music

Posted on the 09 March 2013 by Candornews @CandorNews

“I’m so sick of LA and sick of the lies that come with it,” tweeted Cyrus earlier this week. “I didn’t call off my wedding. Taking a break from social media.”
[Image from]

The twenty-year old pop star takes to Twitter to let fans know about her upcoming album and dismisses haters all in one fell swoop.

While the former Disney princess hasn’t released an album since 2010’s Can’t Be Tamed, a day rarely goes by without a headline highlighting Miley Cyrus. Instagram photos, breakup rumors, and now talks of her fiancé having an affair- Miley Cyrus just can’t catch a break.

“My new music is gonna shut everyone up,” tweeted Cyrus Wednesday, March 6. “Not discussing anything but my music from now on.”

On March 5, E! reported that Cyrus has joined the roster of veteran music manager Larry Rudolph, who is widely credited with reviving Britney Spears’ career during her post-Blackout comeback. The move follows January’s news that Cyrus has partnered with RCA Records to release her upcoming album.

Two days earlier, Cyrus teased fans by tweeting: “laying under these stars listening to my record (as it stands) start to finish,” followed with “wanna tweet it right now” “but I won’t.”

Cyrus has been in the studio with hip-hop producers Pharrell Williams, Hit-Boy and Mike WiLL Made It. Currently untitled, her new album is sure to be unlike anything she has previously released.