Despite Months of U.S. Air Strikes, ISIS Now Controls a Third of Syria

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Dr. Eowyn:

After the Obama administration has inflicted 800 air strikes and wasted $1.2 billion of taxpayers’ money since last August to “combat” the Islamic State jihadists, who Obama insists are not really Islamic, ISIS has doubled its territory to now one-third of Syria. Forgotten by the media are the warnings by the Pentagon and military analysts that relying on air strikes alone is a policy that’s bound to fail.

This is yet another scandalous failure that isn’t sticking to Obama. He’s not just teflon-coated; he has the protection of the complicit media and “principalities and powers” in high places.

Originally posted on Consortium of Defense Analysts:

Tim Mak and Nancy A. Youseff report for The Daily Beast, Jan. 15, 2015:

ISIS continues to gain substantial ground in Syria,despite nearly 800 airstrikes in the American-led campaign to break its grip there.

At least one-third of the country’s territory is now under ISIS influence, with recent gains in rural areas that can serve as a conduit to major cities that the so-called Islamic State hopes to eventually claim as part of its caliphate. Meanwhile, the Islamic extremist group does not appear to have suffered any major ground losses since the strikes began. The result is a net ground gain for ISIS, according to information compiled by two groups with on-the-ground sources.

In Syria, ISIS “has not any lost any key terrain,” Jennifer Cafarella, a fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War who studies the Syrian conflict, explained to The Daily Beast.

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