
By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd

I've always wanted a nice little creative space where I could work so for the last few months I have been perfecting my set-up. I sectioned of this little corner of my room a while ago in order to specifically devote it to 'working' but I never really made an effort to make the space work properly for me. Before, I used to just sit on my bed to work, which was fine, but it was never really as productive as it could have been, my bed just has a tendency to make me feel super lazy, and my back was definitely suffering from it. But I think I have finally got it sorted so I really wanted to show you all what it looks like. 
I've been making a conscious effort to sit at my desk and it's definitely a lot better now, knowing that I have a productive little space where I can just focus on what needs to be done, but I won't lie, I do quite often retreat to cosy lure of my duvet! One thing that gets me over there is the pretty little display that I have created and the fact that I know if I sit there, I will just be able to get so much more done in a  smaller amount of time. The desk that I use is the Ikea BORGSJÖ which fits perfectly in the little window nook that I use. As it's a corner desk, it took a while to get used to and work out how I could lay all my bits out in a way that looked nice. 
Fortunately, I seem to have got it all figured out now by lining things up by the sides so I can get the maximum use out of the middle section. Along one side, I keep a couple of pots of pens and stationary ,which I mostly made from different DIY's I found online, where I store all the bits that I need. As well as this, I also have a cork board which I use as a kind of mood/inspiration board to pin images up on and a picture that my little sister gave me for my birthday. I think it is a really lovely little touch to make the whole area a bit more personal, and it also helps inspire me when I have completely run out of ideas, especially with blogging. 
Along the other I have a vase of flowers (fake, unfortunately, as I can neither look after nor afford the real things), because they really help brighten and freshen up the area, a little scented candle (in the scent Vert Anis, so amazing and refreshing - think Mojitos) that I like to burn to motivate me and a shell from a holiday. I would say that the desktop is rather minimalist but I really like this way of organising things because when I'm working I only really want the essentials to hand because I hate clutter, and once my laptop is on there as well, the whole space gets a bit smaller anyway. 
Underneath the desk there are a couple of shelves which I like to store school books and work in at the moment I am just using a normal desk chair which I reupholstered with a nicer fabric. All in all, it's working pretty well for me, I think all that's left is to get a desk lamp so that I have a better light source when it gets dark, but it's definitely pleasing my inner interior designer!
What do you think of my little area?