Design Inspiration is Everywhere…..

By Lynne @lynneknowlton

I have been thinking

WHOAHaaa NELLY, you are thinking ~ what is she up to now ?!!! ~

I have a beautiful challenge in life.

Designing the life I want to live.

Living a good life

So here is a big fat question for you…..

Are you

Designing the life you want to live ?

Don’t fret, no worries….

There will NOT be a skill testing question after all this.

Just askin’.

I’m curious like that.

Because I have been discovering something quite remarkable over the years.

Inspiration, love and kindness are right in front of us.

They are there. You just have to keep your eyes open for them.

Beauty is everywhere

New eyes,

New World,

New Perspective.

Paris Puuurrrty


When one ‘ crap ass’ door closes,

a ’brilliant gorgeous’ one opens.


Do you have those GREY DAYS ?

Never mind.

Dumb question.

You would have to be super human if you didn’t. In which case, I don’t want to know you.  You are not human.

 You are in my dreams. My delusional super human dreams.

I would rather dream of warm places, for my happy place.


Note: Stunning BLUE SEA WATER

And think about the things that make me feel


This is not all an illusion.

I authentically live this dream, and LOVE IT.

I take these pictures with my own two (non manicured) hands.

I jump that plane. I hop that bus (yes, I am ok with a bus)


After all, when you are dead, you will have a lot of time to sleep.

No rest for the wicked.

Living the NOW.

This is my next goal :

Photo courtesy of Blue Lady

Most pics on my blog are created by ‘yours truly’.

Wanna know all about my camera?

It is goof proof.

My kinda friend.

I am happy to share my tricks of the trade.

Want to take the same kind of pics? Here is my camera info:

My Sony Camera

Nothing fancy. Nothing mind-boggling. If it were, I wouldn’t be doing it.


Here is a wee hint tho….Sony created this camera with built-in Panorama.


This is a super cool feature.  They nailed it.  There is not another camera that can do this.

Tahhhh ~ dahhhhh

That requires a drum roll.  Seriously.  Cool.

 You will see many panorama shots on my site.

Like this one….

That is my daughter having a blast with her arms in the air at the Louvre.

Not the point, I know.  The point is, you can take any panorama shot with the click of ONE BUTTON.

Done like dinner.

You do not need to be a rocket scientist for this one.

You can look brilliant.

No one will know that you only pushed a button and magic appeared.

It takes great close up shots too…..One button, no big fat zoom lens issues.

It is not a mini camera, but it is not HUGE.  I need extra space in my luggage for chocolate, so I can appreciate size.

~I think ahead ~

Happy flowers

I also have photography fun with my iPhone, as many of you know.

Again, if it isn’t easy, forget~ta~bout~it.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am brilliant on the inside :)

I’d rather spend my extra time painting a new room or re-arranging furniture so Michael doesn’t know where I hid it.

I avoid camera manuals like the plague.  Gross.

P.S. I created these next photos using the True HDR app on my iPhone.

Super easy.

Florals in Paris

Take two photos, and the True HDR app merges them together.

Voila !

Arts et Metiers Metro stop in Paris

Oh, the fun you can have on a tele.

Another True HDR photo :

Want to join me in this challenge?

Doing the things that make you most happy.

Photo courtesy of Fresh Minds Matter

The kind of happy that seriously makes you think:

” I could do the happy dance, right here ~right  now”

Doesn’t matter what others think of your happy dance.

Don’t let them rain on your parade.

Seychelles beach

As an interior designer, I share those moments through photography

because it makes me HAPPY.

….. SPREADin’  THE LUV……

Design inspiration is EVERYWHERE.

I am a designer.  I am a blogger.  This is where


come together.

Just open your eyes and mind to it, and you will realize it has been right there all along.

Still don’t see it?

No worries, my friend, I will help you to discover it, every step of the way.

Photo courtesy of Fresh Minds Matter