Deschutes Black Butte XXIV

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer

Deschutes Black Butte XXIV celebrates the 24th year since the release of their seminal release, Black Butte Porter.  Black Butte XXIV is an imperial porter with special ingredients brewed to celebrate one of the best selling porters in the country.  The first edition was brewed for the 20th anniversary and was called Black Butte XX.  They have done a release every year except XXII which was recalled because of excessive chocolate sediment.  The beer tasted fantastic, but their QA department didn’t want to let a beer into the market that was below Deschutes’ normal standards.  This year, 2014, will see the release of Black Butte XXVI.

Black Butte XXIV is brewed with dark chocolate nibs, Deglet dates, and mission figs.

I chose to pull this beer from my cellar because it was released right around the time I started my blog in June of 2012, and it seemed an appropriate choice to celebrate the anniversary of the start of my beer blogging journey.

Appearance: Deep black, light brown head, great retention.

Aroma: Chocolate, rum, dried fruit, coffee, burnt sugar, toffee, molasses, cinnamon, spice, light smokiness.

Taste: Mocha, touch of alcoholic warmth, bitter chocolate, molasses.

Overall Impression:  This is an impressive beer.  It certainly deserves to be up there in the eyes of beers fans with the famous The Abyss.  It’s rich, balanced, spicy, dry with a long finish.  The mouthfeel is smooth, creamy with a bit of stickiness.

Availability: None or secondary market.

11% ABV

Note: Cellared in my refrigerator for 2 years.