Dermablend Review (Vlog) & Food For Thought!

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey loveys!!
Happy Friday!
Sorry I've been a little bit MIA in the past couple of days! I just wasn't in the mood to write sooo I didn't! :) Haha. Simple enough, right?
I hope you all had a great week! I only worked 2 days this week because I was on vacation for most of the week. It was nice to go back, have it feel like Monday and then the next day it's Friday! I got a heck of a lot of work done in my 2 days in the office.. more than I thought I would surprisingly. Yay for productivity! Actually, I've been really productive at work but I've been lazy as hell at home lol. Last night C and I didn't feel like making dinner so I munched on baked kale for dinner lol. Le sigh. I sprinkled it with nutritional yeast. It was delish, but it's definitely the lazy way out.
I don't have many plans for the weekend. I think tonight we might go out for some drinks, but I think it's going to be pretty low key besides that. I really need to clean. Yipee! Just joking, not yipee at all. What are you up to this weekend?
A little while back I was provided with a product from Dermablend for review. I received the Cover Creme that has some SPF 30 in it (bonus!!) and I did a little vlog about it! See?

Here is the link where you can check out all of the amazing Dermablend products. I didn't list out all of their products during the vlog because my video would have shut off... but I think it's so neat that they have a makeup to cover tattoos! Cool right? Loved it! Thanks so much for letting me test it out Dermablend!
Ok - to give this blog some substance, I'm doing another Food For Thought! Duh duh duh duuuuuuuuhhhhh!!!! What food am I picking today? Well...

Food For Thought - What's Up With Raspberries?

Raspberries, I think, are underrated. I thoroughly enjoy a good handful of raspberries. They are sweet, sometimes sour, but I like that. I can eat them out of their tray, I can eat them in a smoothie, I can eat them frozen or I can infuse my water with them. I love them a ton! So now that we know that I think they taste good (lol!), why are they good for our bodies?''
* Fiber - foods high in fiber (like raspberries) are low on the glycemic index, which means they don't spike our blood sugar and have us crash an hour later. They release their glucose steady into the blood stream so we stay even (in terms of blood sugar) through digestion. 1 cup of raspberries has 32% of our daily intake of fiber. YES PLEASE!
* Vitamin C - vitamin C offers skin, bone and muscle health all while supporting that little organ in our bodies called the brain (just kidding.. it's big!).
* Minerals - raspberries are high in Manganese which is a mineral that helps our bodies perform enzymatic and antioxidant functions. This is super important because.. well... anything we do or anything that happens in our body requires an enzymatic or antioxidant function. Soo... it's kind of important. Eat your raspberries!!
*Vitamin K - raspberries are also full of vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a role in bone mineralization and cell growth. Boom! Important much? 
Needless to say, those little red guys are (or should) be an important part of your daily diet! I think frozen raspberries on frozen coconut milk vanilla ice cream is delish. Or mixed in with some of the vanilla almond yogurt (not frozen) that I buy! I also make sure to always include raspberries into my berry smoothies and even into my green smoothies! 
Q: What's your favorite way to incorporate raspberries into your diet?Q: What's up this weekend? Share what you're most excited about!