Derbyshire Teachers and School Staff Urged to Get First Aid Training

Posted on the 13 July 2013 by Gareth Jones @tutorcare

A national first aid charity is encouraging all teachers and school staff in the Derbyshire area to use their training days, also known as inset days, to undergo first aid training courses.

Last year, around 240 people in Derbyshire took part in the first aid inset training day organised by St John Ambulance, where they learnt life-saving skills. The call for teachers and school staff to do the same this year has been backed by the Derby Telegraph, which is running its own Save a Life campaign encouraging people to undergo emergency first aid training.

Explaining why inset days are ideal for first aid training, the regional director for the first aid charity in the Midlands, John Cavanagh, said:

“Schools have to set aside five days each year during term time for staff training, so this is the perfect opportunity to learn lifesaving first aid.”

Also commenting on the campaign was the divisional co-ordinator for the City of Derby St John Ambulance voluntary division, Clare Battelle, who said:

“It is definitely a good idea and everyone working in schools, like the dinner ladies and cleaners, should be given some form of training as any incident can happen at any time.”