Departure Bay Session Ale – White Sails Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From White Sails Brewing in Nanaimo comes their "Departure Bay Session Ale". The beer pours a copper colour with a white head. The aroma consists of caramel, fruit and floral hops. The flavour is of caramel, malts, fruit, citrus and a sweetness. The alcohol content comes in at 4.6%. This is a nice session ale and fits into what most people are looking for these days. Session Ales.

Commercial Description: This buzzing social port frequented by beach bums and known for its infamous bath tub races has many stories to tell.
It will greet you with its shores, wave you goodbye and leave you forever inspired. Tasting Notes: Light bodied. Crisp fruit flavours, citrus notes and a smooth creamy undertone makes this a refreshing session ale.

About Mike

I am an avid outdoors man and hobby photographer who loves to spend as much time as possible exploring the beautiful backcountry of the Province of British Columbia and everywhere else! When not exploring nature though I am exploring Craft and Micro Brew beer locally and from around the world. If you love beer like I do please come on a journey for your taste buds. Who knows you just might find your next favorite beer!

This entry was posted in Session Ale and tagged caramel, citrus, citrusy, departure bay, departure bay session ale, fruit, fruity, malt, malts, nanaimo, session ale, sweet, sweetness, white sails brewing. Bookmark the permalink.