Dennis Donehy - HDR-like Painted Landscapes

Posted on the 02 October 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
every now and then, I'll feature a photorealist artist because I have a fascination with the 'artist as machine', but this is a very interesting take on all that.

Dennis Donehy paints his landscapes and they're quite realistic (like the work of many landscape artists, you might say) yes, but do most artists paint their landscapes like a camera able to take HDR or High Dynamic Range images and combine them?
“Gradually, I start to build up the paint and introduce a wider range of colors,” Doheny continues. “I play with the warm and cool colors until they look right, and I move to smaller, softer-hair brushes as I focus on smaller shapes and details. If one were to get close to the canvas it would become obvious that I manipulate a lot of different colors to get the details across, but I want all those to blend together the farther one gets from the painting. I’m not an impressionist who leaves obvious, bold strokes of colors, but I do keep modifying and adjusting the colors as I work. [source ARTIST DAILY]

Personally, it's THIS FEATURE of Dennis' work that fascinates me, that he can get that amount of light detail into his art.