Denim Dress

By Leslielazard @leslielazard

There’s never been a shortage of denim in my wardrobe. Like ever. From chambray shirts and cut off shorts – which I wear alllll the time – to actual jeans, denim is definitely a staple in my wardrobe. I splurged on certain pair of espadrille’s in navy and black and have been rounding up all of my denim and navy blue pieces to pair with them. It was then I realized that I actually don’t own a denim dress. Shocker right? I love the idea of wearing a cute little denim sundress all summer long with sandals, wedges, espadrilles – you name it, the possibilities are endless. I’ve got my eye on this fit and flare denim number from Nordstrom and this one from LOFT. I’m leaning more towards the fit and flare version just because I feel it would be more flattering to my curvy figure. I also LOVE this version (on sale!) of the denim dress from Madewell! I rounded up a few more of my denim dress picks below. Which one is your favorite?

Denim Dresses
(images via: Denim Blog, My Daily, Fab Sugar, Street Style Seconds)