Demonstrate Today for an End to Global Warming

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Today’s demonstrations are in response to climate change. We want to show our leaders that we want them to take steps to stop global warming. We must also ask our leaders to change the human activities that are causing climate change.

  1. We want them to block corporate control over our government and the decisions it makes.
  2. We want them to end international sales of weapons and begin to encourage peace and a focus on life style and resource use.
  3. We want them to discourage unsustainable resource harvests.
  4. We want them to encourage human rights and equality.
  5. We want them to speak out for wild animals and natural ecosystems.
  6. We want them to call for restoring the damaged lands and seas.
  7. And finally, we want them to oppose gender inequality and overpopulation.

We know that even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, activities causing climate change would continue. Farming, deforestation, industrial fishing, and desertification would continue to waste the Earth and release CO2 and other greenhouse gases.