Demolishing Marble Floors

By Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

In my old job and new one, I see people requesting work that’s ridiculous. Hey, I’ve got no problem doing it, but sometimes people are ridiculous.

I just finished demolishing this marble floor that was only 3 years old. THREE YEARS! The new tenant says that he wants new flooring. And since most businesses in the area fail within 3 years, this place was right on target for a turnover in ownership.

It’s crazy to tear up a perfectly good, and pretty sweet looking, marble floor.

I think new tenants/owners should look at a new place and make interior plans based on what’s already there – instead of starting from scratch in their head and forcing a building interior to fit their “vision.” It’s cheaper to work with what’s already there and customers like to see “historical” things maintained.

My partner and me got this whole floor up in only 2 hours!! It was a fast demolition!