Democrats Place Blame Where It Belongs

Posted on the 05 August 2019 by Jobsanger

Donald Trump is now trying to distance himself from the mass killings that are becoming too common in this country. After numerous instances of hate speech, in which he coddled white supremacists and other racists, he doesn't want to admit that his own actions have spurred the white terrorists into action.
Democrats know better. They know you can't incite violence and then try to deny you did it. And some of them are placing the blame for the shootings where it belongs -- on Donald Trump!
Here are some of their statements:
Trump "is a racist and he stokes racism in this country. And it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country and it leads to violence."
“We have a president of the United States who is particularly responsible. There is a complicity in the president's hatred that undermines the goodness and decency of Americans."
"We need to call out white nationalism for what it is—domestic terrorism. It is a threat to the United States, and we've seen its devastating toll this weekend. And we need to call out the president himself for advancing racism and white supremacy."

"Well, there's no question that white nationalism is condoned at the highest level of our government. Right now, you see it being echoed by the White House and there is a measure of responsibility that you just can't get away from when you have case after case of racial rhetoric coming out of the White House."

"Of course, this is part of a climate where people who are in the grip of this hateful ideology feel validated and they feel validated from all the way at the top and that is part of our problem." JULIAN CASTRO
“Like all Americans, I still hope that this president will do what most presidents have done throughout our history, which is to realize we have to do everything we can to try and unite Americans instead of fanning the flames of bigotry.”
"Stop your racist, hateful and anti-immigrant rhetoric. Your language creates a climate which emboldens violent extremists."