Democrats Are Upset by This Sign

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Overpasses For America posted this photo to their Facebook page, on March 13, 2015, of a sign somewhere in America which says:

We used to hunt Communists. Now we elect them.

The sign has struck a nerve and has gone viral.

There are T-shirts with that message. Zazzle even offers a sheet of 20 “We used to hunt communists” stickers for only $5.50!

As American Overlook writes (via The Federalist Papers):

Just a few decades ago, America was anti-communist and fought valiantly in the name of freedom and democracy.

But when you look at the facts today, communism didn’t die with the U.S.S.R. Instead communists are alive and well in America, they’ve just changed their party affiliation to Democrat….

If you are not convinced by this statement, let’s take a look at President Obama’s actions.

  • Obama believes that if you’re a business owner, you didn’t create you business. Minimum wage workers and the government did.
  • Obama has aided Cuba’s communist government by returning spies, normalizing relations, and treating the communist leader there with more respect than he does members of the Republican Party here in America!
  • While growing up in Hawaii, Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, who had pledged allegiance to the Soviet Union.

Think the “We used to hunt communists, now we elect them” sign is hyperbole?

Think again.

Did you know that in 2010, Communist Party USA sued the Democratic Party for theft of its (CPUSA) party platform?

Two years later, CPUSA and the Democrats kissed and made up, and in the 2012 elections that year, Communist Party USA actually endorsed Obama and the Democrats.

See also:

  • Communist Party Admits Infiltration & Takeover of Democratic Party!
  • Democrat Congressman Praises Communist Activist
  • So You Don’t Think Democrats are Communists?
  • Communists Conceived Women’s Liberation Movement
  • Marxist origin of the homosexual movement

Sucking the life out of America!
