The last day of the Democratic National Convention rocked the political world. President Obama, accepting his party’s nomination as the candidate for the 2012 Presidential election, provided the best reason yet to reelect him for another four years. If we elect Mitt Romney, we will lose all the change that we have achieved so far, and will spend the next four years doing nothing other than trying to repeal progress. That doesn’t benefit anyone.
No one can deny how powerful an orator Obama is. He sits on the same plane at JFK and Clinton, and last night he did not disappoint. But speech and rhetoric is only part of what it takes to be a leader. The other elements of leadership are easy to define but hard to quantify. Obama has those elements, and is respected by people around the world for his cool intellect, his modesty, and his passion for advancing not just the American cause, but the global community as well. He might not have insane success in the white collar business world, but that is seeming less and less important. Obama is leading by example. The nation is following.
It will be interesting to watch him dissect the robotic Romney in a debate, since he will dominate on foreign policy, energy policy, civil rights, social issues, and even economics, the category where most think Romney has an advantage. Romney cannot make the case that he will reduce the deficit via tax cuts, it is what Bush said and it is exactly why we have so much debt today. Last night Obama pointed out that all Republicans do is demand tax cuts: “surplus, how about a tax cut? Deficit? Try a tax cut. Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulation, and call me in the morning.”
Obama’s mockery was well placed, since the Republican party cares nothing about fixing anything, the only thing they care about is keeping more of their money. If that frustrates you, it should, but here is your cathartic release: Obama’s Speech from last night. Enjoy.