Democrat Congressman Eats Earwax; Says Communism Proven to Work

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) may be losing his distinction as the Stupidest Member of the Congress.

Recall that in 2010, the “my-shoe-size-is-bigger-than-my-IQ” Congressman feared that moving 8,000 U.S. Marines to Guam would tip over the island.

Johnson now has stiff competition from another Demonrat, 50-year-old Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Florida).

On May 7, 2014, during a House Judiciary Committee markup broadcast live on C-SPAN, Garcia was seen sticking his finger in his ear, examining his “catch,” then eating his own earwax.

Brendan Bordelon reports for The Daily Caller, May 21, 2014, that Garcia made another gaffe this week, claiming that low crime rates in US-Mexico border cities with lots of federal immigration workers is proof that “Communism works.”

Garcia made the comment during a Google hangout he convened last week to talk about comprehensive immigration reform with supporters. The Democrat attempted to point out how, for all their talk about limited government, many Republicans are fine spending loads of government money on border security. He babbled, “Let me give you an example, the kind of money we’ve poured in. So the most dangerous — sorry, the safest city in America is El Paso, Texas. It happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the Americas, which is Juarez. Right? And two of the safest cities in America, two of them are on the border with Mexico. And of course, the reason is we’ve proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there’s no crime. But that isn’t what we should be doing on the border. The kind of money we’ve poured into it, and we’re having diminishing returns.”

The video was uploaded to YouTube by the America Rising PAC, a Republican PAC founded in 2013 and dedicated to opposition research. It’s also the same group that originally uploaded Garcia’s earwax escapade.

Garcia, who is of Cuban descent along with many of his south Florida constituents, told the Miami Herald he never meant to espouse Communism — and was instead taking a tongue-in-cheek shot at his GOP opponents.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

But Garcia’s district is already rated a toss-up by the Cook Political Report, and with their second attack on the congressman in a week America Rising clearly senses an opening in the south Florida district.

We already have a president who picks his nose in public, and a first lady who licks the snot dribbling from her nose.

Now we have a Congressman who eats earwax.

All Demonrats.

I urge Garcia’s GOP opponent to make full use of the video and the three screenshots I took of bright-bulb Garcia digging and eating his earwax.
