Democracy That Delivers #97: Reform Measures and the Role of Civil Society in Poland

Posted on the 19 December 2017 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

What is the likely role of civil society in Poland amid calls for more policy changes and justice reforms? In this week's podcast, Civil Development Forum Vice President, Marek Tatala shares his take and explains how CDF is using technology and other outreach mechanisms to empower citizens.

CDF is a CIPE partner and non-governmental think tank based in Poland. CDF's mission is to promote and defend economic freedoms, rule of law, and also the concept of limited government.

For more background on some of the current challenges facing Poland nearly three decades after the fall of communism, as well as expert recommendations, read CIPE Global Director Anna Kompanek's blog "Democratic and Market Values Face Obstacles in Poland".

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