Delusional: Obama Says America is Not as Divided as Some Suggest

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

From Seattle Times: President Barack Obama on Saturday rejected the notion that this week’s stunning violence is a signal that the U.S. has returned to some of the darkest days of its past, saying that as painful as the killings of police and black men were, “America is not as divided as some have suggested.”

“Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or anyplace else,” Obama said from Warsaw, where he attended a NATO summit.

“That includes protesters,” Obama added. “It includes family members who have grave concerns about police conduct and they’ve said that this is unacceptable. There’s no division there.

The comments marked the third time in as many days that Obama has spoken, from a distance, about the police-involved fatal shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota that were followed by a sniper attack in Dallas that killed five police officers Thursday night. Seven officers and two civilians were also injured.

“This has been a tough week,” the president said.

Obama said the Dallas shooter, a black Army veteran who was later killed by police, was a “demented individual” who does not represent black Americans, any more than a white man accused of killing blacks at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, represents whites.

Read the rest of the story here.

According to Twitchy, President Obama will return from his trip overseas earlier than scheduled in order to — brace yourselves — “bring people together.”

May I remind you of some of the quotes the Great Divider-in-Chief has delivered to our nation:

Obama might want to venture over to the Pew Research Center before his speech in Dallas. Their June 27th post entitled, “On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and Whites Are Worlds Apart,” shows a very different view than what Obama proclaims. From the post:

“Almost eight years after Barack Obama’s election as the nation’s first black president –an event that engendered a sense of optimism among many Americans about the future of race relations – a series of flashpoints around the U.S. has exposed deep racial divides and reignited a national conversation about race. A new Pew Research Center survey finds profound differences between black and white adults in their views on racial discrimination, barriers to black progress and the prospects for change. Blacks, far more than whites, say black people are treated unfairly across different realms of life, from dealing with the police to applying for a loan or mortgage. And, for many blacks, racial equality remains an elusive goal.”