There is a new policy on this site that all regular commenters have to donate to the site. The policy was put in for various reasons, the main one being that I’m broke. I’m broke you and guys read for free. So what you all are doing is similar to picking up a newspaper at your local coffee shop and reading through it without paying for it. If you do that, the employees will generally tell you that you need to buy it. Same here.
Anyway, all regular commenters now have to donate minimum $10 to keep the site going because honestly, donations are the only thing that keep the site going at all. A minimum $10 donation, and you can comment here for life! Is that a deal or what?
Of course, if you don’t donate, you as a regular commenter can still read here all you want. There’s no way to block IP’s from reading the site. Note that I am only charging commenters, not readers. If you just read and never comment, I will not hit you up. Not only that, but if you are not a regular commenter, I ask you to pay either. So I am letting all irregular commenters slide. However, at some point commenters become regular, and at that point, I ask them to pay.
As you can see, I am letting all sorts of people slide, and no one being denied access to reading the site. You just can’t comment anymore. The reason I am leaving so many people off the hook is that this policy is controversial enough as it is. I had a number of regulars tell me that they were leaving the site due to this change. These poverty-stricken people had plenty of money to fly on airplanes all over the world, but clearly they do not have $10 to donate to the site. I feel their pain.
Lots of regulars already donated before the policy went into effect, and they are all off the hook too.
OK, now we get to the Delphi readers.
The haters flooding in here are quite comical because they insist that I have no readers. Not so. I get over 185,000 hits and 120,000 visitors a month here. That is considered to be excellent traffic. This site is in the top 100,000 sites on the Net.
The Delphi posts have caused an explosion in traffic. We have already had 280,000 hits this month, and the month is not even over. That’s over 10,000 hits a day, which is very respectable. If you don’t agree, set up your own website and let me know when you hit 10,000 hits a day, ok?
This past week saw 92,000 hits. That is ~13,000 hits a day. So traffic is just going up.
Now to the question. Do Delphi commenters, even regular ones, have to donate or be banned from commenting? I am currently letting all Delphi posters slide on donations. Of course if you wish to donate, you might want to do that. I live on $14,000/yr here, and I am always broke.
I really appreciate all the traffic and comments on the site, except for haters of course. These Delphi posts have caused far more haters than usual, and these Delphi commenters are some of the most vicious and evil commenters I have ever had. Many seem to be from that town or nearby areas in that state. You never see these comments because I ban these human slugs before they can even slime their way onto my site.
I have tried to accommodate the complaints of the haters and address them as best I could if they needed addressing. There was no change. No matter how many changes I made, the haters kept flooding in. I assume that there are no changes I could make that would satisfy the haters. They’re just going to hate me no matter what the Hell I write here.
Why let Delphi commenters slide? I really appreciate all this new traffic. Inside Edition called me the other day and wanted me to be on TV. Those posts are making me a bit famous.
That’s how much of a loser I am, haters. I get offers to be on TV. Do you?
If I start charging regular Delphi commenters, the commenting at least is sure to drop way off or even collapse. You would believe how many people have an issue with 10 bucks. OK, so say I just scared most of the commenters away on the most popular posts on the site? Why might I do that for? A decision like that would make no sense.
Also the Delphi commenters are only coming in for Delphi and crime posts. This is not a crime blog. It is an everything under the sun blog. If this site ever turns into a crime blog though, I might start charging you all. And if you Delphi commenters wander over onto the other posts to much and start commenting there, at some point you become a reg, and I hit you up.
As you can see, all Delphi commenters can comment away to their hearts’ content on Delphi posts. All of you are being waived from the donations requirement.
You’re welcome.