Sorry folks, I am not able to work. I survive on a small trust fund and whatever side jobs I can scrape up. I could probably work for a friend or relative with a very flexible schedule, but I could not work for a stranger 9-5. The thing is, I cannot stay awake! This has been going on for over 20 years now. The last job I had, I was taking so many stimulants that my blood pressure went nuts, and it was either keep working and die or quit working and live. I love to work, but I decided I like life more than work, if that’s the choice.
The only thing they ever figured out was chronic sinusitis and allergies. I am now getting checked out by a sleep specialist. I have had two sinus operations. They only things that have ever worked are things that treat the sinusitis and allergies. Mondafinil or Provigil is one of the only drugs that helps. I drink 5 cups of coffee a day and take Wellbutrin, but those don’t do much. I probably need another Provigil script.
Well, anyway, it is pollen season, and I have been sleeping 14-18 hours a day lately. Yes, I have another Delphi post to write and a profile update, among other things. Sorry for the delays, everyone.