According to the latest report, Delhi University has decided to postpone the special cut-off list release and the spot admission process of the undergraduate courses. The University’s decision came out on Sunday given many university departments and officials being affected by COVID-19. Delhi University has already notified about the seats that are still vacant even after releasing five cut-off lists. Hence the University came up with the idea of releasing the special cut off list.
The university registrar Vikas Gupta addressed the University’s decision by stating, “Many of the university departments and officials have been affected by COVID–19. Due to this, the spot admission to UG Entrance Based Courses and the special cut-off for UG Merit Based Courses have been deferred till further notice”. He also added that “However, as announced earlier, the University of Delhi shall display course-wise and category-wise vacant seats in each college on 18 November”.
Delhi University Postgraduate Admissions on 18 November
Official confirmation states that the University will disclose vacant seats in each college on 18 November 2020. Candidates can check the vacant seats in the various categories and courses once the University publishes it. In contrast, the Postgraduate admission process will also begin on 18 November 2020. Therefore PG candidates having their final year marks at hand must upload their scores on the dashboard. However, those candidates waiting for their final year results will get provisional admissions.
Vacant Seats Even After Fifth Cut-Off List
A total of 70,000 seats are available for various undergraduate courses under Delhi University. Until now, admissions are made for more than 67,000 seats in various courses under Delhi University. After releasing five cut-off lists, about 67,781 students took admissions into various undergraduate courses. The fifth cut-off list came out on Saturday that filled the latest 24,261 seats. This year, the University holds the admission process entirely online due to the coronavirus pandemic.