Degustabox: February Reveal

By Evette Garside @evette77

My monthly Degustabox arrived last week and I am very pleased to say that it's one of my favourites so far. Lots of lovely goodies for me to enjoy this time.

In the box

Whole Earth Three nut butter (£3.00) - A combination of cashew, hazelnuts and peanuts. Blended together in one jar with no sugar and no added extras.

Beet it (2x£1.85) - I was slightly put off by the description of these bars, beetroot is not my favourite thing but..... Blended in this bar it doesn't taste all that bad. It's healthy too.

Melba Thins (£1.39) - crisp toast or cracker bread. Perfect for just about any topping.

Schwartz flavour shots (2x£1.40) I can't get enough of these things, I'm able to make delicious dishes such as curry and paella very quickly with just one of these pots and a few easy ingredients.

Lily O Briens: Cocoa cookie crunch (£2.60) - well this packet lasted all of 15 minutes and oh my god they were delicious. Luxury chocolate pieces infused with sweet crunchy cookie crisp. Just delicious.

American Muffin Company (£2.50) - Lovely chocolate chip cakes with 6 to a pack. Each one individually wrapped and they are also wheat and gluten free.

Peanut Hottie (£3.00) - Another "oh wow!" Moment for this box. I have been wanting to try this for some time so was very glad to find it in my box. It makes a lovely hot drink with a sewer indulgent peanut flavour.

Laimon Fresh (£1.99) - Always good to find a nice new refreshing drink flavour amongst the food goodies. This one is a cool blend of lemon, lime and mint.

Jack Link's (£1.39) - From the best selling meat snack company. It's a beef snack bar, an unusual treat for me.

I am really loving my February box. I love Degustabox anyway but this is my favourite one so far.

Degustabox is a monthly subscription service costing only £12.99. This price even includes the packaging and courier delivery cost to your door. There are no extra charges. Each month comes a big box full of food & drink surprises. The products are all full size goods and not small sample or trial size items. There is usually a mixture of snacks, cooking items, cupboard items and drinks. In my opinion it is the best food subscription service in the UK.

Degustabox and information on how to get started with receiving monthly boxes can be found on their website and they can also be found and followed on Facebook and Twitter