And I believe that to be true but when people attack what you believe to be true it is natural to go on the defensive. But if what you believe to be true it will defend itself on it's own merits.
When you attempt to defend what you believe to be true it helps to keep in mind that no one can change another persons mind. Conversion takes places in ones own mind no one can do that for another.
The merits of any case are decided on the evidence for and against. Each person makes up their own mind themselves.
One helpful tactic I learned is to present as many facts of the case so that if one is to argue they must contend with the facts rather than opinions of you or anyone else.
Let the facts decide the case.
After Christ died with only 12 Apostles to carry on His work Christianity spread like wildfire and quickly became a threat to Roman rule because Christians were pacifists and spread that philosophy throughout Rome and because they ministered to the outcasts of Roman society and elevated the status of those outcasts and Romans refered to Christianity as the slaves religion because of that.
But the truth spread throughout the Roman world with all the ferocity of a hungry lion. Despite Christians being hunted and killed by the Roman Empire.
When our beliefs are attacked it's natural to get defensive but stating the facts and letting the truth defend itself is better than getting worked up defending something others refuse to believe regardless of what is said or what facts are presented.
Letting the truth defend itself is better than the frustration of trying to defend it or explain it to those who refuse to hear it.
The truth also shines the light into the darkness and unveils the lies that abound in any society. And people will often kill for what they believe to be true even if it is really a lie. This is why every one of Jesus' Apostles were martyrs.
Being a disciple or sons and daughters of light is about more than just knowing what is true but it is in knowing why it is true.
For example most understand what sin is and believe those who sin will be punished but that is a half truth to me because I believe you will be punished by your sins rather than for your sins.
I believe the horrible consequences of sin to be the reason they are considered to be sins in the first place.
If that sound off to you then test it out and pray about it as we should to considering all things regardless of who says them.