Deepak Perwani has recently showcased her partywear collection for ladies at the ramp of Fashion Pakistan Week 2012, Day4. Deepak Perwani is a very famous & demanding fashion designer & experienced in fashion clothing for both men & ladies. Deepak Perwani started his career at a mere age of twenty in 1994 with a menswear line that changed what men wear in Pakistan. They went ahead to launch his ladies wear line in 1996 with the opening of his flagship store on Zamzama Karachi.
Deepak Perwani has recently showcased her partywear collection for ladies at the ramp of Fashion Pakistan Week 2012, Day4. Deepak Perwani is a very famous & demanding fashion designer & experienced in fashion clothing for both men & ladies. Deepak Perwani started his career at a mere age of twenty in 1994 with a menswear line that changed what men wear in Pakistan. They went ahead to launch his ladies wear line in 1996 with the opening of his flagship store on Zamzama Karachi.