A quick tour around the garden and some subsequent thoughts:
Back to the container attempts again.
This time I'm trying a variegated Weigela with some purple petunias at the base. Kind of digging how it will potentially look once the Weigela starts to gain some size:
Picked up these dahlias real cheap, loving the dark foliage color and the bright blooms. Not normally my color scheme or style but I'm all about branching out and trying new things in my old age:
Yes, I'm cheating by using a knockout rose, but my daughter sees pink roses and thinks I'm a star. She'll never know the difference:
The foliage looks fantastic on this Hydrangea 'Endless Summer' but dammit the blooms are severely lacking:
I swore I would never buy another Arborvitae but got suckered in by the variegated-like foliage on 'Sherwood Frost'. We'll be keeping an eye on this one to see how it performs:
Along those same lines, loving my 'Moon Frost' Hemlock and its white new growth. Lights up this spot when shaded in the afternoon:
Remember my 'Endless Summer' issue mentioned before, no issues on this one:
They are fleeting, but the red berries on this Viburnum 'Shoshoni' are a nice bonus I've been afforded the past three years now:
'Fragrant Angel' Coneflowers about to bloom:
And hot damn, do I love Amsonia. That texture is off the charts and I have been steadily adding more and more throughout the yard:
Enjoy the weekend!