Deep Down in Awesomeness

Posted on the 22 February 2013 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

During Sony’s PlayStation 4 announcement press conference, Yoshinori Ono, the producer of the “Street Fighter IV” series , let the dragon out Capcom’s lair.

Deep Down (working title), a medieval-themed role playing game, may be related to the company’s Dragon’s Dogma or inspired by Dark Souls. The IP will be Capcom’s first demonstration of the company’s new Panta Rhei engine.

Deep-Down (1)
Ono described Panta Rhei as “an evolutionary step from the MT Framework (designed for Capcom’s “Dead Rising,” and “Lost Planet”) engine,” which was used for almost every Capcom-developed game on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Ono didn’t give any specifics about what Panta Rhei but he promised that it would allow a “new direction for game design.”

Heard that before.


There are, predictably, no concrete details about the game, which was among the not-so-few criticism Sony received after the event. Absence of the actual machine and in-game videos, the rumors of videos shown on a similar built PC instead of a PS4, the console focusing on gaming only and no details on most of the presented games…


But the trailer is quite awesome and it shows off a creepy dragon and a melting shield and we’ll be on the lookout for more info on this one.

