Dee Wallace Meets The Monster Exclusive Clip from ‘Red Christmas’

By Newguy

Dee Wallace Meets The Monster

Exclusive Clip from ‘Red Christmas’ 

Genre icon Dee Wallace (The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, E.T., Cujo, Critters) stars in a critically acclaimed role as the stressed-out mother of a squabbling family, gathered together in a remote Outback estate on Christmas Eve.  Their petty dramas threaten to blacken the holiday until a mysterious and deformed stranger appears at the door seeking bloody vengeance.

RedChristmas_clip_cletus from artsploitation on Vimeo.

Red Christmas available nationwide
on Blu-ray/DVD/VOD

Red Christmas comes out October 17th on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD, including iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play, Vudu and more. Advertisements