Dedicated To… Has Moved to

By W B Gooderham @wb_gooderham
Dedicated To… has just been given a face-lift and upgraded to something far more attractive-looking and user-friendly. If you’ve ever given it a glance I urge you to glance again. For tis lovely. (And thanks to for making it look so lovely.) It’s new address is And while I’ve got your attention here’s some news about my Other Project, Three Score & Ten which is about to have an exhibition at Fork on Marchmont St, Bloomsbury. Three Score & Ten, or: From the Conception of Tristram Shandy to the Death of Ivan  Ilyich, is an anthology of literary quotes illustrating each year of life from beginning to end. Over a decade in the making (I first wrote about Three Score & Ten waaaay back in 2009), its aim is to view the passage of time through the prism of literature by using a different male and female character for each year in order to detail the minuscule changes wrought upon our bodies and minds as consciousness blooms, experiences accrue, hopes rise and fall, options expand and then retract. The exhibition at Fork opens on Thursday 22 August, 7pm. And if you’ve already seen one of Three Score & Ten‘s previous outings (at either Burley Fisher Books or the Stoke Newington Litterary Festival) and are wondering why you should bother again, I’ve one word: frames.    Thanks in advance for reading and hopefully will see you for drinks and nibbles and awkward small talk on Thurs 22nd. Very Best Wayne