Decorating Your Thanksgiving Day Table To Sparkle!

By Simone Design Blog @HomeSpire

Hello everyone,

I know its hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is only 37 days away! So mark your calendars– it’s going to be here before you know it. If you’re going to be entertaining, it’s not too early to start planning.

As the Holiday season approaches, the stress levels for hosts of parties and family gatherings can get high. Preparing for the holiday parties can be pretty expensive and time consuming. If you’re going to be entertaining a lot, it will be pretty costly to constantly replenish your floral table centerpiece. How would you like to replace your centerpiece’s fresh flowers with something that’s unexpected and has a touch of bling? Consider spray-painting some dried leaves branches or gourds with gold, copper or silver. They will make your table sparkle (and I ask you, who doesn’t like sparkly things?)! They will make guests want to take a second look and, of course, touch. Such a centerpiece is both recyclable and unique. It’s so totally unexpected that you might start a decorating trend among your guests. It’s a totally fun and crafty project. If you have kids, they’ll love helping you create it!

Making this decorative centerpiece is pretty easy and the ingredients can be found in your local arts and crafts store. For the leaves, you can either buy them dried or pick some really nice looking ones from your backyard or tree lined area. Place the fresh leaves between sheets of newspaper and then put them under something heavy like a hardcover book for a week or so. Just make sure you check on them periodically.

You’ll need glossy spray paint and a small paint brush. If you’re creating a bouquet or hanging the leaves on a painted branch, you’ll also need some fine-gauge wire or hot glue. Start by spray-painting your dried leaves. You can tone down the effect to make it look a little more “natural” by brushing the leaves with the paint brush. For more bling, add some glitter just before the paint dries. Making a beautiful centerpiece is as simple as that!

For that touch of elegance, combine a collection of small gourds that are spray-painted in shimmery gold. Make them stand out on a something that adds height, like a glass cake plate.

Here’s a way to add elegance to the table without your guests views being impaired. Spray-paint one big pumpkin and use it as a centerpiece. To embellish, scatter sprayed leaves, acorns and corn around it.

If you still prefer a more natural look to your gourds and pumpkins, you can just spray-paint smaller pieces like acorns and still have a sparkly decorated table.

For another chic centerpiece, spray-paint your gourds or small pumpkins in silver and put them on top of mercury-glass or silver candlesticks. For the candles, hollow out the center of each pumpkin just wide enough to securely hold the candle upright.

If you have a long rectangular dining room table, include a small pumpkin at each place setting, painting the pumpkin whatever color you like.

How’s this for simplicity? A gold spray-painted leaf used as a place-card setting. Write your guests name with a gold colored marker. How easy is this?

Decorate your table with various shapes, sizes and textures if you’re considering serving your food in a buffet style.

Here’s an idea for a for a quick and easy table decoration: spray some leaves of various heights, sizes and textures and arrange them upright. Get some planter’s floral foam, surround it with plain wrapping paper, and just insert the dried leaves in it. To make the piece sturdy, place it on top of a tray or platter.

These decorating ideas will help make your table sparkle! For a finishing touch, make sure that your accompanying silverware, dishes and utensils are in colors that go well with and highlight your centerpiece. Candles are also a nice finishing touch, whether they are votive candles or candlesticks.

I hope I have started you on the way to planning early for your Thanksgiving entertaining and menu. It’s 37 days away! The earlier you start on your plans, the less stressed you will be. Think about how relaxed you will be as a host. Your guests will be in awe of you!

Have a nice day,


PS: Don’t forget to enter the prize giveaway contest. It ends on Friday!  Click here to read all about it.